Summer (2013)
Eve Drewlowe Gallery, Iowa City, IA, 2013

SUMMER: new paintings by brian prugh
Wunderkammer, 2013, cut fabric (glitter stretch polyester), 40 x 144 inches.
Silencio (Love, and Be Silent), 2013, acrylic and gesso on canvas, 92 x 138 inches.
Vivas, 2013, oil, gesso, packing tape, pastel and asphalt crack sealant on cardboard, 9 1/4 x 9 1/2 inches.
Vivas To Those Who Have Fail'd, 2013, oil on masonite pegboard, 20 x 24 inches.
Flow on, River!, 2013, oil on found canvases (by Liz Davenport), 24 x 60 inches.
Building a Net of Work, 2013, oil and acrylic on wood and spray paint, oil and acrylic on burlap, 22 1/2 x 27 inches.
Vivas To Those Who Have Fail'd, 2013, spray paint, caulk and sand on canvas, 36 x 48 inches.
Maybe To Perfect A Thing Is To Destroy It, 2013, cut plastic, acrylic and spray paint on OSB board, and acrylic on wood, 29 1/2 x 38 inches.
Dreams, 2013, cut fabric (cotton print), 84 x 14 x 8 inches.
And Whoever His Pain Pains, 2013, oil on OSB panel, spray paint on boards, cut bedsheet, 30 x 39 inches.
Vivas To Those Who Have Fail'd, 2013, oil on masonite pegboard, 20 x 24 inches.
Net Work, 2013, spray paint on duct tape, 44 x 38 inches.
For What She Gave Up for Me: For Forsaken Dreams, 2013, cut fabric (tulle), 89 x 156 inches.
Net Work, 2013, spray paint on tied nylon rope, 10 x 10 inches.
Pirin, 2013, acrylic, graphite, contact paper on glass with wire support and nail, 9 x 10 x 1 inches.
Vivas To Those Who Have Fail'd, 2013, oil on pegboard, 8 x 24 inches.
Will Feel, 2013, wire and thumbtack, approximately 18 x 24 inches.
Vivas (6), 2013, oil, gesso, packing tape, pastel and asphalt crack sealant on cardboard, 9 x 9 inches.
Vivas, 2013, oil and acrylic on canvas, 135 x 140 inches.
Whitman Could Say, 2013, oil on canvas, 72 x 52 inches.